It have been a very longing time, loyer readers of XAF. And I am gratitudes to all presence of you for gracings this website. It is with great unfortunatesing that I must be annouce that XAF will be going to a shut. Us conscriptions in XAF have been through talls and shorts, and loyer readers, have, in through these comics, be sharing our pain however in a more jokeful manner.
In thank yous to loyer readers, before the ends of present week, we will presenting lives of mans who have complete conscripted. What future happening to Zemyatin? Me? Or personal brother? Or Sergent YUYUAN?
As this a website closing to come, please refrain from hastily shutting links. Still is there a finale... ...
Just as "monster" said, this will be the last official "joke comic". After this there will be a last, well, you might call it a "documentary" strip about what happens in Xihai even after XAF has concluded.-Sgt Yuyuan