Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Krismassu specials!

To be celebrate Western traditional cultures, "KRISMASSU", early one week am presenting extra comic!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Yes, our resumes.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Sargeent YUYUAN has announcing to proclaims.
The battalion will be going on Exercise Gongjilian from 11.11.07 to 11.25.07. Please note that there will be nothing new posted here until then.
-Sergeant Yuyuan
P.S. Personal brother planting in adjacence country Waitan on exercises, unfortunates indeed he is not of position to posting new submits to site.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Certain timing, I consider if Xihai army is terrify of spies in the extreme. If so being, then our conscript is should exemption from army, reasoning we are all high probable spies. Addition, it is not every foolery will try carting rifle from Shijian camp, with probable of arrestion in high clouds. More say, if someone is true determination to cart rifle from camp... do you contemplation you will be halt him from plans?

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Yes! This is Zemyatin here. On the behalf of you foreign readers, I would like to make an announcement on Monster's behalf! Let's get these facts straight:

XIHAI is the REAL COUNTRY that SGT Yuyuan, Monster, Monster's brother, and I are shedding our bood and sweat and tears (just mostly sweat, of course) for. We are very proud of our nation and will not tolerate anybody, dead or alive, insulting it. Except for Monster's brother, who seems to have issues separating his military suffering from his future in this great country.

XINTERPOL is the FAKE COUNTRY that no existing human being in the world is part of. Who would want to serve in that kind of army, anyway?

So no more stupid comments, okay, people?



At frames of time, Xihai will showfully exhibition particularly technology weapons that starks in contrast to USA army. In factually, Xihai army is appearing to trails USA army in factors of technology weapons, tanks, and inclusion of kit bags and like. But it was possibly not even to comparison Xihai army to USA army, one of greatest magnifying army in world. Saying sentence, Xihai is a tiny but glorious state when placement beside giants of USA mighty force.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

About Xihai

Monster has been very boring of late, only talking and complaining of how bad his life in the army is. So now I'll take this opportunity to tell all the people here more about Xihai! First of all, above here is the Xihai national flag. I guess this warrants some explanation or significance for such a design, so here we go:

First of all, is the red/yellow circle thing. That's the setting sun, against the backdrop of the sky and the sea! Since the sun sets in the West, therefore logically, it is setting in the West sea. Thus the name, Xihai, which means "West Sea" in Chinese, which is also one of the official languages, the other two being Russian and English (English less so, unfortunately).

Now onto greater details about the individual colours! They hold a tremendous amount of significance, so do not just dismiss them as aesthetic material!

Orange symbolises the change and vibrancy of our society, pushing on our nation to greater heights.

Blue conveys the importance and confidence of our proud country.

Red denotes the raging passion and patriotism of the people for our country.

Yellow is in rememberance for all the soldiers, past and present, that fought valiantly for our nation. It is no coincidence that both yellow and red exist in the same circle.

So there it is for a brief lesson about Xihai: See you next time for more educational posts!



My little brother been often presenting laments over Army Show 2007, as evidence over posts few previously, of his original. Thinking his lamentations, it materialises of rather importance that problem lying that Xihai people possess grains of respect for national army. This is in effects is very sad causing.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Single great problem at ranging is because to very old M16 guns of army jam up. I wonders significance, if Xihai goes war bring lousy rifle, then it being lack of points. It much greater to possession rifle with not accuracy but being of low maintain and good use, than to possession top accuracy rifle that will jamming for you in range of few shots. Fortunating Xihai army increase smarter, M16 gun phasing out for favorable of positive guns from Russia.
(Zemyatin is tall believe, Xihai possessed M16 is at greater aging than me.)

Sunday, September 30, 2007


I IS BACK FROM EXERCISE IN BRANIEU!!! VERY HAPPYING!!! Because I am nice a man, postings for this week shall be up despites I say, no postings for 4 weeks!!! In meantimes I hope much loyer readers enjoy my little brother comics below. I knowledge he drawing like shits, but my appreciates his generals effort.

Monday, September 3, 2007

replaces temperarily

i monster small brother, go through now conscription serves too. monster tell me draw for him i not good at draw. but i trying. recents i in army show being welcomeing commiittee, i drawing little for that. all at once i give, monster say promise keep is must, therefore keep.

excuse english, it ungood.

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Hello loyer readers! Some you may concern, in particularly about recent absent of updates. But worry none, I am on extends exercise in tropical islands of Branieu. It is very nice place with coconuts and pretty womens, unfortunates we are being far away in forest sweaty, and no timing to be seeing them.

It is much of probable that none comic news being post over here for month. But update will be progress, and when time is successful I will paying back in full, like promise.

Today is special of days, they have letting us got out camp for little relaxs. First things my mind was think was loyer readers, so checking quick into cyber-coffee-house for updates.

Also speaks, Zemyatin is with me here and says hello to loyer readers well. Hello!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Hello everyone!

This is Zemyatin, I've taken sick leave for today. I know I have Russian heritage but that doesn't mean I can't write good English.

Monster told me something over the phone today and it gave me a fantastic idea. Hoping that Sergeant Yuyuan won't see this! Ahaha!

What the commanders want of men:

To have high morale
To march properly
To be punctual
To be disciplined
To sing loudly and cheerfully
To run fast
To sweep roads
To sweep their barracks
To ask for permission for stuff they do
To clean their weapons
To perform tasks without a complaint
To perform well in the field
To be enthusiastic
To shave cleanly
To tuck in their shirts
To show initiative

What the men want from commanders:

To be left alone

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Writers needed : SGT Y.Y

"Monster" has decided to write a graphic novel and he is in need of good writers who will produce a script. As you can see from the picture he submitted, the title of this work will be called "Sympathy for Xihai". He has said that this is meant to be an emotional and psychologically-provoking comic with more emphasis on the characters and less on action. Interested writers should post on the comments section of this post. Due to "Monster"'s other projects, he will only be starting this project around the start of next year, so there should be plenty of time to write the script. The vacancy for writers only extends until "Monster" finishes his current project.

-Sergeant Yuyuan


Though currently generation of Xihai army have not been fight war yet, such issuing of below appreciation frequents showing by tall officers.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Much good comrades breaking up with lady friends during serve conscription. It being sad. I admits myself have similarly situation of recents, but fortunately not any of situations above. It helps many to behold realistic viewing of events. Sometimes jokes being funny because them are holding truths. Be read and humorful, but see with heavy hearts, loyer readers.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Joy of passing time idle

Do you know joy of pass time idle? Those who know joy are fortunates. In Xihai army such time is small -- two days in week, therefores any thing one need do is very rush. There is something in know that you have much of time to spend nothing doing, and it very peaceful. One day I hoping to know such happiness, but it being impossibly task for artist. Art always be point of imporvements everywhere...

The above Russkiya words literal speak is: zhizn korotka, a del mnogo. It translates become "Life being short, but we have much to be doing".

... I am tire... life is busy.


Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Monday, July 23, 2007


This being private first class zemyatin. Sargeent yuyuan yesterday say I stupid and disgrace xihai army, there is no lance corporal in xihai army, only private, private first class, after is corporal. I say my englishing of not being expert quality, he say to shut up and ask him the next time question instead. So however, here appearing zemyatin!!! Saying hello to all of loyer readers!!!

Sunday, July 22, 2007



More being about Lance Corporal ZEMYATIN.
Zemyatin be hails from Russia. Is actually, Xihai being make of 75% native Xihaiese and 25% immigrantka russki, so hence for zemyatin's name be for zemyatin. Is any way, zemyatin coming from russia country, read europe literatures. He says get his picture from some storying call Oliver Twistys, I think. I asks him if literatures is from origins russia and he saying no. I is not knowing why he not be use more popular storys from russia, but then he laugh, call me stupid and says, not everyone is be know russia literatures other being War and Peace, so even then not is everybody reading it before. How he be such clever?

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Things in XAF much always want to seem be like in order and disciplne.

Sunday, June 17, 2007



Sunday, June 10, 2007


Here is to tell loyer readers, there is may not be editions next week because SARGEENT YUYUAN has just tell us we have EXERCISE BANMALAN. Now what this exercise is about? Well since because we are the sappers battalions of Xihai, we is have duties to building and remove "obxtakle". Or that is what SARGENT YUYUAN says we do. So during EXERCISE BANMALAN (it is translate literal from chinese languaje) we builds improvise fotress for infentry soldier to defense against enemy attack. What i hearing is that this exercise will be very very very tire. I hear we is also build tank fotress!!! I is not very like, but I am conscripting soldier so what I able do?

By the way many loyer readers have ask, WHERE IS XIHAI? I provide map, I is not very excellent geographcyist but this where should it be. It is small island locate off coast of China. Beyutiful?


Sunday, June 3, 2007

Sunday, May 27, 2007



Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Great contributes to credits sergeant yuyuan

This Sergeant Yuyuan, he contributes much to comic so I think he needs to make his face be see by loyer readers. My platoon is think very much look like, make many very happy soundings.
Now maybe you wondering, why in comic English very nice but when I is write commentary English is of fucked up? Because of Sergeant Yuyuan who is "proofs read" (that what he say he is do) my comics before he let me publish. He say, if I writing bad English I bring shame to Xihai Armed Forces, good soldier is cannot being speaking fucking up English. And how is he know such good English? Actually last time he is studying in Vulgaria, some Europe country whatever. When he in Vulgaria he think of motherland very much, so he back here come to Xihai to help country by join army, which I think is very stupid since he can help motherland much much more if he stay on to study and then become scientist to make nuclear bomb for us so we no have to do army anymore.
Also way the by, he is decline to correct my fucking up English outside of comics since he is saying always that my shit is being bullcrap and no one going to read.
So loyer readers we prove him wrong ok? Also if you all be reading this is meaning that loyer readers can tolerate my fucking up English. so be please show great love through comments! If leaving name you want, leave in secret manner that we is both know and understand!
Thanks you!!!


Saturday, April 21, 2007


Hello again loyer readers! I backing from war games and it is very tire. As usual we win enemy! In Xihai army we always win enemy, whether real or fake (mostly is a fake). I is thinking fake enemy very easy to destroy because they are very little people and our one company (150 peoples) easily destroy their puny section of 15 peoples! Watch out enemys of Xihai! Ha ha ha!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Captain Robin R. Hood is thanks you!!!

Today I gots break from preparations and I see this website is many hits!!! I thanks you for introducing many people to website and show everyone plight of our glory military XAF. Here is Captain Robin and he very happy at situation. More people visit this site is making him Major soon!!! Yay!!! (Maybe one day he become General, but by then I hopeful resign from army!)
Also if you have no notice this weeks comic is one post below! Have fun live as citizen!

Friday, April 13, 2007


Hello my loyer readers, today I updates early because my division is having war games tomorrow. It actually very stupid name because it is not sound like war (because we do stupid and not useful things) and all the stupid things we are do is not sounding like games to us either.


Saturday, April 7, 2007

Saturday, March 31, 2007


I hear in USA today is "april fools day". I wish to say to loyal readers happy celebrates.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Saturday, March 17, 2007



Some of you in the Xihai Armed Forces have give comments and I am please to see that Xinterpol is of much liked. Some you soldiers may know me of person but please avoid naming names or people will get in deep poo poo. Many things is stake here, thank you for all you understandings.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Friday, March 2, 2007

Sunday, February 25, 2007